Our Impact

For 5 years, Unchained has been conducting crusades and community outreach across Africa, bringing the gospel to those in need. Through these efforts, thousands have come to the saving knowledge of Christ, and many have experienced healing and transformation. We are committed to continuing this work, giving back to those who need hope, love, and support.

Impact Abroad

Global Evangelism and Crusades
We travel internationally to preach the gospel and hold evangelistic crusades. These gatherings draw thousands, many of whom experience salvation, healing, and freedom as they come to know Christ. Our team partners with local leaders and churches, building lasting relationships that extend the impact of our visits.

During crusades in Africa, we’ve seen lives transformed as people encounter Christ. Our work has led to hundreds dedicating their lives to Jesus, a profound impact that continues to shape local communities even after we leave.

Mission Trips and Community Outreach
Unchained Ministries conducts annual mission trips, focusing on service and giving back to communities in need. These trips involve providing essential resources like food, clothing, and medical aid, as well as organizing outreach events that share God’s love through word and deed.

In Tanzania and Zanzibar, we work with local communities, providing support that improves lives and demonstrates God’s compassion tangibly. By addressing immediate needs, we help restore hope and dignity to people facing hardship.

Training and Discipleship Programs
We invest in leaders abroad, equipping them with resources and training to continue the work long after our mission teams have departed. By developing discipleship programs, we empower local believers to carry on ministry efforts, multiplying our impact.

Through workshops and mentoring, we’ve helped train local pastors and ministry leaders in several African regions, enabling them to lead their congregations with confidence and wisdom.

Impact at Home

Worship Gatherings and Community Engagement
Our regular worship gatherings provide a space for believers to come together, worship, and grow in faith. These gatherings focus on cultivating a genuine connection with God, supporting one another, and praying for our families, cities, and leaders. We aim to be a spiritual home where people can feel God’s presence without the constraints of time—echoing our commitment to “No Limit, No Clock, Just Worship.”

Every Sunday evening, we open our doors for a community prayer and worship service, inviting others to experience an atmosphere of freedom and unbroken connection with God. This has fostered a supportive community where relationships thrive.

Community Outreach and Support
Locally, we reach out to families, schools, and neighborhoods through service projects, events, and support groups. By building relationships in our local communities, we extend our ministry beyond church walls, bringing hope to those who might not yet know Christ.

Our family support groups offer encouragement, guidance, and prayer for parents and children, creating a network of families who uplift one another and grow together in faith.

Equipping Believers for Purpose
We help believers discover and walk in their God-given purpose, providing opportunities for spiritual growth through mentorship, discipleship, and service opportunities. By empowering people to use their gifts, we enable them to make meaningful contributions to the Kingdom both locally and globally.

Through mentorship programs, we guide individuals in their walk with Christ, preparing them to serve effectively within the ministry and beyond. Many have gone on to lead their own ministries and mission projects.

Youth and Children’s Ministry
We believe in investing in the next generation by creating programs that teach children and youth about the love of Jesus. By nurturing young believers, we raise up future leaders who will continue the work of the Kingdom.

Our youth events and children’s programs provide a safe, loving environment for young people to learn, grow, and discover their faith. This investment sows seeds of faith that will grow for generations.

Through these efforts, Unchained Ministries seeks to be a beacon of God’s love, hope, and transformative power—serving communities both near and far and equipping people to live out their faith in lasting, impactful ways.